
This is a citation from wikipedia

Conventional use
The name localhost is a commonly defined hostname for the loopback 
interface in most TCP/IP systems, resolving to the IP addresses in IPv4 and ::1 for IPv6. As a top-level domain, the name 
has traditionally been defined statically in host DNS implementations 
with address records (A and AAAA) pointing to the same loopback 
addresses. Any other use conflicts with widely deployed algorithms 
relying on this convention.


Jump to 2. TLDs for Testing, & Documentation Examples in RFC 2606 (BCP 32). There it says:


To safely satisfy these needs, four domain names are reserved as
listed and described below.


".test" is recommended for use in testing of current or new DNS
related code.

".example" is recommended for use in documentation or as examples.

".invalid" is intended for use in online construction of domain
names that are sure to be invalid and which it is obvious at a
glance are invalid.

The ".localhost" TLD has traditionally been statically defined in
host DNS implementations as having an A record pointing to the
loop back IP address and is reserved for such use.  Any other use
would conflict with widely deployed code which assumes this use.


Services f.e. HTTP server running name based virtual hosts Creating Name Based Virtual Hosts. A browser for local git repository overview, aka they repos could be everywhere. If dealing with databases then a tool like pgadmin might prove useful. For the local wiki project f.e. pmwiki

  • cgit.localhost
  • pgadmin.localhost
  • pmwiki.localhost

It is assumed a properly working and running HTTP server is already at localhost. All services are bound to the loopback IP address. Local delivery only, ultimate interface bandwidth options, only limited by upper layers protocols. The best invention since sliced bread. If all is set and done, the final step to get it working

cat >> /etc/hosts

# cgit cgit.localhost pgadmin pgadmin.localhost pmwiki pmwiki.localhost

Now if everything is running then it should work time to try it out