Current Weather Information

ECMWF Forecasts

Last Update: 01.04.10, 06:00 MEZ

Note date and time on the charts' top!
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ECMWF analysis: northern hemisphere

Analysis 500hPa Analysis 850hPa
Source: Unisys Corp.


ECMWF forecast: northern hemisphere

sea level pressure 72h  96h  120h  144h 
500 hPa geopotential height 72h  96h  120h  144h 
Source: European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts - ECMWF


ECMWF forecast: Europe

sea level pressure 72h  96h  120h  144h 
500 hPa geopotential height 72h  96h  120h  144h 
Source: European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts - ECMWF
500 hPa geopotential height
and sea level pressure
Source: Unisys Corp.

These charts show the freely accessable data defined as essentials by WMO.
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