- Current Weather Information - Worldwide Weather Charts - Africa/Sahel -

Current surface observations for Africa

Northern and central Africa (area of the EU FP7 QWECI project)

00GMT: 6h accumulated precipitation (18-00UTC)

Table 6-hourly precipitation Maghreb (18-00UTC)

Table 6-hourly precipitation West Africa (18-00UTC)

06GMT: 24h accumulated precipitation (06-06UTC)

Table 24-hourly precipitation Maghreb (06-06UTC)

Table 24-hourly precipitation West Africa (06-06UTC)

12GMT: 6h accumulated precipitation (06-12UTC)

Table 6-hourly precipitation Maghreb (06-12UTC)

Table 6-hourly precipitation West Africa (06-12UTC)

18GMT: 12h accumulated precipitation (06-18UTC)

Table 12-hourly precipitation Maghreb (06-18UTC)

Table 12-hourly precipitation West Africa (06-18UTC)

00GMT surface observations

06GMT surface observations

12GMT surface observations

18GMT surface observations

18 GMT Maximum 1.5-2m temperatures (06-18UTC)

06 GMT Maximum 1.5-2m temperatures (06-18UTC)

06 GMT Surface (5cm) minima (06-18UTC)

Dewpoint (every 6 hours, 00,06,12,18 GMT)

sunshine duration previous day in hours

potential evaporation previos day in mm

Visibility in km


Southern Africa

00GMT: 6h accumulated precipitation (18-00UTC)

06GMT: 24h accumulated precipitation (06-06UTC)

12GMT: 6h accumulated precipitation (06-12UTC)

18GMT: 12h accumulated precipitation (06-18UTC)


Africa (whole continent)

18 GMT Maximum 1.5-2m temperatures (06-18UTC)

Table Maximum Temperatures (06-18UTC)

12 GMT surface observations

For educational and research purposes only!
Please read the Data Disclaimer!

Andreas Fink