Chemistry in the production of food
45 points Kaffee, Käse, Karies [030420-MNe]
Genre: Book (Wiley-VCH, 1st edition, July 1998)

384 Seiten
Preis: EUR 24,90

Description: This beautifully illustrated book entertains and informs on many things which you would not be about to connect with biochemistry. What happens when smelling and tasting? Which physical reactions are caused by alcohol and drugs? What kind of kick do we get out of our morning cup of coffee; why are we tempted by the artificial scent of spices and perfumes, and where do the holes in the cheese come from? The authors have managed to scientifically illuminate such things of everyday life in a convincing manner and to uncover hidden biochemical processes. Another bestseller published as a limited special edition on occasion of the Year of Chemistry 2003 on biochemistry in everyday life.
Content: Bier, Wein und Sekt, Alkohol-Stoffwechsel, Alkohol-Wirkung, Tee, Kaffee, Coffein, Tabak, Rauchen, Hanf, Rauschmittel, Fleisch, Obst und Gemüse, Gewürze, Zusatzstoffe in Lebensmitteln, Milch, Käse, Riechen und Schmecken, Zahn- und Mundpflege, Hautpflegemittel, Waschmittel, Haare, Naturfasern, Leder, Insektizide, Abwassertechnologie
Author: J.Koolman, H.Moeller, K.-H.Röhm
Link: Wiley-VCH
Target group: All interested, as it is also comprehensible for laymen.
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