105 (1995)

001 Curti, M., L’elmo caduto? Note a Stesicoro, Gerioneide, S15 Davies

006 Lehnus, L., Riflessioni cronologiche sull’ultimo Callimaco

013 Thiede, C. P., Papyrus Magdalen Greek 17 (Gregory–Aland P64). A Reappraisal

021 Kokkinos, N., The Honorand of the Titulus Tiburtinus: C. Sentius Saturninus?

037 Roueché, Ch., Aurarii in the Auditoria

051 Schmid, J. – Schweighart, B., Zur Reiseroute Ciceros zwischen Patras und Actium im Jahre 50 v. Chr.

057 Naso, A., Una dedica ad Ercole dall’agro tarquiniese

063 Spaul, J. E. H., Ala I Pannoniorvm – One or Many?

074 Bevilacqua, G., Iscrizione inedita dal Foro Romano

077 Solin, H., Varia Onomastica XII. Corcodilus

081 Kushnir-Stein, A., An Inscribed Lead Weight from Ashdod: A Reconsideration

085 Stroud, H. C. – Stroud, R. S., The Empress Julia Domna at Epidauros Limera

089 Gascou, J., À propos d’un décurion de Lodève (Hérault)

095 Arnush, M., The Archonship of Sarpadon at Delphi

105 Lucas, G., À propos d’Ereiknion, cité Perrhèbe

131 Schnurr, Ch., Die alte Agora Athens

139 Schnurr, Ch., Zur Topographie der Theaterstätten und der Tripodenstraße in Athen

154 Bricault, L., Pour une nouvelle édition de SIRIS

155 Hagedorn, D. – Kramer, B., Fragment eines grammatischen Traktats perì stoicheíou (P. Lit. Palau Rib. 35)

160 Worp, K. A., Zu einer neuen Edition einiger Kairener Inschriften

161 Wagner, G., Ostâ phoínikos

166 Henner, J., Die Markusanaphora auf Wiener Papyrusfragmenten?

171 Cotton, H. M., The Archive of Salome Komaise Daughter of Levi: Another Archive from the ‘Cave of Letters’

209 Ambühl, A., Calllmachus and the Arcadian Asses: The Aitia Prologue and a Lemma in the London Scholion

215 Stephens, S., Alcibiades in the Rhetorical Tradition. P. Strass. inv. Gr. 2346 (= P2 2497)

225 Fowler, D. H., Further Arithmetical Tables

229 Ambühl, A. – Markovska, D. – Milnor, K., P. Mich. inv. 29: Two Astrological Treatises

237 Müller, M., A Circular Letter and a Memo (P. Mich. inv. 6980)

245 Gagos, T. – Sijpesteijn, P. J., Settling a Dispute in Fourth Century Small Oasis (P. Mich. inv. No. 4008)

253 Bagnall, R. S., The People of P. Mich. inv. 5806

256 Gagos, T., P. Lond. III 875a: A Puzzling Beginning

257 Meckler, M., Two Papyri and Events in the Life of Caracalla

260 Mayerson, Ph., A Note on Roga in ZPE 94 (1992) and ZPE 100 (1994)

261 Antonaccio, C. M. – Neils, J., A New Graffito from Archaic Morgantina

279 Bodel, J., Chronology and Succession 2: Notes on Some Consular Lists on Stone