The Irish data, IRISH.DAT, were extracted from an extensive study of the attitudes of 1107 Irish children to their native language and their proficiency in the language

1 school school code
2 totalno school identification number
3 size school size
4 type school type: secondary (1), community (2), vocational (3)
5 locat school location: urban (1), rural (2)
6 sex male (1), female (2)
7 income income level: high (1), medium (2), low (3)
8 es educational standard score
9 verbal verbal reasoning score
10 voc vocabulary: bad (1), poor (2), good (3), excellent (4)
11 usage use of language: never (1), little (2), regular (3)
12 disc aural discrimination: none (1), poor (2), ok (3), good (4), very good (5)
13 comp aural comprehension: none (1), poor (2), good (3)
14 attit attitude to learning Irish: negative (1), neutral (2), positive (3)
15 orient integrative orientation: none (1), poor (2), ok (3), good (4)
16 motivat motivational intensity: none (1), little (2), some (3), lots (4)
17 desire desire to learn: none (1), little (2), some (3), lots (4)