If setting up linux hosts in GNS3 mostly one needs only a certain functionality, or service to test. TinyCore is a tiny linux has a small memory print, and needs few ressources. Once a test scenario has been setup f.e. to test quagga with IOS or other systems the IP settings should be saved. The tinycore wiki describes a method howto do this. This approach works properly if using a vm with qemu or on a physical host. Using GNS3 this approach somehow does not restore the IP settings. I could not find out why there is a difference if using QEMU with GNS3 and using QEMU natively on a physical host. After some research I have found a different approach described by Brian Linkletter howto make settings in GNS3 persistent if using TinyCore. Persistenst IP settings accross reboots need to be edited in the file /opt/bootlocal.sh. Using vi add the prefered IP settings to this file

sudo ip addr add dev eth0
sudo ip route add default via
sudo pkill udhcpc

To backup the settings use following command:

filetool.sh -b

Then restart the TinyCore host. The set up settings should be restored from the backup This setup has been tested using Core 4.7.7 with linux kernel 3.0.21-tinycore, and GNS3 1.5.0dev6.